
强制性指标:掌握compulsory index的英语短句及例句大全

2024-02-07 分类:百科

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强制性指标,compulsory index

1)compulsory index强制性指标

1.Gives out a framework of the performance evaluation system, in which the rated performance, performance ratio of maximum frequency to rated frequency, and performance ratio of minimum frequency to rated frequency are taken ascompulsory indexes to ensure product qu.在此基础上 ,分别从行业、企业和消费者三个角度出发 ,分析建立变频空调器性能评价体系应包含的要素 ,提出以额定工况性能、高频额定比和低频额定比作为企业保证产品质量的强制性指标 ,以季节能效比作为行业向用户表明节能产品的推荐性指标 ,由强制性指标和推荐性指标构成变频空调器性能评价体系的思


1.Exploration on the Compulsory Index Mixed Building Mode of Public Housing"s Provision--Based on Housing Properties保障性住房提供的强制性指标配建模式探讨——基于住房的属性

2.Study on Splitting Strength as Standards of Semi-Rigid Base Material劈裂强度作为半刚性基层材料强度控制指标的可行性研究

3.Standards as defined by ISO/IEC Guide 2 may be mandatory or voluntary.ISO/IEC指南2中定义的标准可以是强制性的,也可以是自愿的。

pulsory standards must be complied with.强制性标准,必须执行。

5.system of indicators of non-material services非物质性服务指标制度

6.There are three types of fitness-flexibility, stamina, and strength.有三种健康指标——灵活性,耐力,强度。

7.How to strengthen college research science evaluation index sign;加强高校科研评价指标科学性的途径

8.Brief analysis of controlling criterion of Intensity design for the Cement concrete pavement浅析水泥混凝土路面强度设计指标控制

9.China Law of Standardization requires in Article7: National standards and trade standards shall be classified into compulsory standards and voluntary standards.中国的国家标准化法规定:“国家标准、业标准分强制性和推荐性标准。

10.National standards and trade standards are divided into compulsory standards and recommendatory standards.国家标准、行业标准分为强制性标准和推荐性标准。

11.Production technology and the future market on the feature index of hardening wood floor;强化地板的性能指标、生产工艺和市场空间

12.Possibility of Body Center of Gravity Shakes Quota Evaluation Mental Load Strength;人体重心动摇指标评价心理负荷强度的可能性

13.Analysis of Indexes of Hemorheology of Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis强直性脊柱炎患者血液流变学指标分析

14.Regularity of relation between structural parameter and strength indexes of unsaturated loess非饱和黄土结构性参数与其强度指标关系初探

15.The output parameters of the model are three mechanical properties namely ultimate tensile strength (UTS), yield strength (YS) and elongation (ELO).模型的输出为三个力学性能指标,即抗拉强度、屈服强度和延伸率。

16.Analysis about Strength Value on Low Side and Performance Difference of Low Alloy Angle Steels低合金高强度角钢强度指标偏低及性能差异分析

17.Method of Remanufacturability Index Forecasting during Equipment Design装备设计中的再制造性指标预计方法

18.Study on Indicators of Controlling Biological Stability in Water Distribution System给水管网中生物稳定性控制指标研究


mandatory energy saving targets强制性节能降耗指标

3)mandatory standard强制性标准

1.After comparingmandatory standard GB18401-(Fundamental Safety Technics Specification for National Textile Products) with all textile products" technics standards on colour fastness, it is found out that most of the textile product standards do not fulfill the requirements, therefore highly attention must be paid.强制性标准GB18401-《国家纺织产品基本安全技术规范》已正式实施,该标准中要求染色牢度的考核指标,通过比较发现均比正在实施的纺织产品技术标准所要求的高。

2.When formulatingmandatory standards that conclude intellectual property rights,organizations of issuing standards have to face two problems which are acquiring the authorization from subject of intellectual property right and cost of intellectual property right.拟制定的强制性标准如果涉及知识产权,标准制定机构将不得不面对两个问题:一是取得知识产权权利人的授权问题,二是知识产权费用问题。

3.The article analyses and researches on the present situations and the main problems of China\"smandatory standards,and brings forward the development tendency ofmandatory standards.本文分析和研究了我国强制性标准的现状和存在的问题,提出了强制性标准的发展趋势,得出结论:随着社会主义市场经济的深入发展,我国强制性标准与推荐性标准并存的标准体制必将改革、将逐步转换为自愿性标准体制,与WTO/TBT国际规则接轨;同时,依据我国经济和社会发展的实际需要,由法规规定或引用一些标准为强制性标准,将其作为技术法规执行。

4)compulsory standard强制性标准

1.It introduces the progress of its standardization in the recent 20 years ,and lists the contents of Currentcompulsory standard of construction machinery.本文回顾了我国建筑机械行业标准化工作的发展概况,重点介绍了近二十年来建筑机械标准化工作所取得的进展并列出了建筑机械现行的强制性标准目录。

5)mandatory labeling强制性标志

6)Key index控制性指标



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  1. 2024-02-07 16:05醉红颜[江西省网友]
  2. 2024-02-07 15:47`AIㄣ丹"[上海市网友]
  3. 2024-02-07 15:30脂砚斋[江西省网友]
  4. 2024-02-07 15:12苦涩◆清香[广西网友]