
种群消长:理解Population dynamics的英语短句和例句大全

2024-02-08 分类:生活

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Population dynamics refers to the study of the changes in the size and composition of populations over time. It encompasses various factors such as birth rate, death rate, immigration, and emigration, all of which affect the overall population size. Understanding population dynamics is crucial for ecologists, policymakers, and conservationists in managing wildlife, controlling infectious diseases, and maintaining ecological balance. For example, the population dynamics of a certain species may influence the availability of resources and impact the overall ecosystem. By studying population dynamics, scientists can predict how populations may respond to environmental changes or human activities, and develop strategies to ensure the sustainability of ecosystems and the well-being of species within them.

种群消长,Population dynamics

1)Population dynamics种群消长

1.Effects of Oecophylla smaragdina on Parasaissetia nigra population dynamics黄猄蚁对橡胶盔蚧种群消长的影响

2.The results indicated that the population dynamics of larvae had two peaks.本文对斜纹夜蛾的种群消长、性比、发育历期、发育起点温度与有效积温以及毒力测定进行了研究。

3.We chose tobacco fields in Feixian, Linyi, South of Shandong, investigated population dynamics of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and several kinds of natural enemies roundly.本文以鲁南临沂费县烟区为代表,系统调查了烟蚜及其主要天敌在烟田的种群消长动态,烟草品种、施肥量和种植方式对烟蚜发生的影响,并研究了应用防虫网和膜下栽烟技术对烟蚜和病毒病发生的影响、化学药剂防治及综合控制技术。


1.Study on the Fluctuation Regulation of Laodelphax Striatellus and Its Characteristics of Trasmission RSV;灰飞虱种群消长规律及传毒特性研究

2.Dynamics and spatial distribution pattern of population of Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell)菠萝粉蚧种群消长及空间分布型研究

3.Poputation Dynamics and Control Strategies of Loxostege Sticticalis L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Lawn in Changsha Area;长沙地区草坪草地螟种群消长动态及防治对策

4.Occurrence Regularity and Integrated Control of Stephanitis (Stephanitis) laudata Drake et Poor华南冠网蝽种群消长规律和综合防治研究

5.Analysis of Meteorological Factors and Forecast of Population Dynamic Changes of Wheat Aphid小麦蚜虫种群消长气象影响成因及预测

6.Correlation Analysis on Dynamics of Planthopper Population and Meteorological Factors in Different Resistant Rice Varieties不同抗性水稻品种上稻飞虱种群消长与气象因子关联性分析

7.Population Fluctuation Patterns and Larvae Development of Caragana microphylla Seed Pests in Arid Area of West Inner Mongolia内蒙古西部干旱区柠条种子害虫田间种群消长规律及其幼虫种群发育进程研究

8.Relationships of bee population fluctuation and distribution with natural environment in Anhui Province.安徽省蜜蜂种群消长及其分布与自然环境的关系

9.Studies on Weed Population Dynamic and Chemical Controlling Techniques in Citrus Orchard at Southwest Zhejiang Hilly Region;浙西南丘陵地柑桔园杂草种群消长动态及化学防治技术研究

10.Mosquito population and seasonal fluctuation investigation in Zhenjiang port镇江口岸蚊类种群和季节消长调查研究

11.Study on Biology Character of Panonychus Ulmi Experiment Population and Its Field Pendulum;苹果全爪螨实验种群的生物学特性及其田间消长规律的研究

12.Population Dynamic of Small Brown Planthopper (SBPH), Laodelphax Striatellus in Different Habitats and Host Suitability of SBPH;不同生境中灰飞虱种群的消长动态及灰飞虱的寄主适合性研究

13.Study on Cockroach Population Distribution and Seasonal Fluctuation Tendency Investigation in Taiyuan Railroad Area;太原铁路地区蟑螂种群分布和季节消长趋势调查研究

14.Preliminary investigation on the population of mosquito & fly and fly growth and decay trend in Shanghai Jiangwan wetland上海江湾湿地蚊蝇种群及蝇类消长初步调查研究

15.Approach to Cause of Community Transmutation of Sorghum Aphid in Center Shanxi山西省晋中区域高粱蚜虫种群演变消长原因探析

16.Quantitative Characters and Mutual Dynamics of Several Plant Populations during Restoration Succession in Degraded Meadow in Northeastern China;东北退化草原恢复演替过程中几种植物种群的数量特征及其协同消长规律

17.Effects of Several Environmental Factors on Population Growth of Brachionus Calyciflorus and in Vitro Digestion几种环境因子对萼花臂尾轮虫种群增长的影响及虫体体外消化的初步研究

18.The Investigation on the Annual Population Dynamics of Diaphorina Citri Kuwayama and Correlation Analysis about Incidence Rate of Huanglongbing of Next Year in the Normal Orchards正常管理果园柑桔木虱种群数量年消长规律调查及与次年黄龙病发生率的相关性分析


Population fluctuation种群消长

1.The population fluctuation of Apanteles glomeratus were investigated in Hangzhou suburbs during the period of 1995-1997, and eleven insecticides were evaluated in the laboratory for their toxicity to A.自1995~1997年在杭州市郊对菜粉蝶绒茧蜂的田间种群消长动态进行了调查,并在室内测定了7类11种常用杀虫剂对该蜂的毒性。

3)population dynamic种群消长

1.Research progress in host selection and underlying mechanisms,and factors affectingpopulation dynamics of Chilo suppressalis;二化螟寄主选择行为与种群消长机制的研究进展

4)trend of growth and decline of population种群消长趋势

5)population dynamics种群消长动态

1.Life history andpopulation dynamics of Pseudophacopteron canarium Yang & Li;橄榄星室木虱的生活史和种群消长动态的研究

2.Thepopulation dynamics and spatial distribution pattern of Erythroneura sudra;桃一点斑叶蝉种群消长动态和空间分布型研究

6)population fluctuation index种群消长指数



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  1. 2024-02-08 14:03娃娃乐[江西省网友]
  2. 2024-02-08 13:53幸福&依旧[福建省网友]
    这篇内容真是太有帮助了!我之前对Population dynamics的理解一直很模糊,现在终于有了更清晰的认识。